​Frequently Asked Questions


  • Q: How long are my dues good for:                                                    
  • A: Your dues are paid annually.  When you join, your dues are sent to National Headquarters by the Paymaster along with your name and mailing address and are posted in the month they are processed.  Normally, they are processed in the month you join.  So, if you joined in June, your dues are covered until the end of August in the current year.  Dues run from September thru August (12) months.
  • Q: If I change my address and/or telephone number, who do I inform:                                            
  • A. The Detachment Paymaster.   He will forward your change of address to National Headquarters so you will continue to receive your National Magazine and notice of dues payment.  He will also update your records, so you continue to receive your Detachment Newsletter, the Michigan Marine News and the National Semper Fi Magazine. 
  • Q: When do I get my membership card:                                              
  • A: When National processes your dues, they will mail you your membership card.
  • Q: I hear the term “Paid Life Member” – what does that mean:                                                
  • A: Life Membership is a program in which you pay a fee and you are a member for life with no more dues to pay.  You must be a Member in Good Standing to apply (Dues must be up to date).  You receive a Metal Life Membership Card, a Life Membership Lapel Pin and a certificate suitable for framing.  These fees are based on your age at the time you apply.  You may apply for the Paid Life Membership at any time.  Currently, if you cannot afford the total amount of Life Membership, we have a payment plan to spread the cost out for one year.  If you are interested, contact the Detachment Paymaster for a fee schedule. 
  • Q: What newsletters and magazines do I receive:                                            
  • A: With your paid membership, you will receive the Detachment Newsletter – SKUTTLEBUTT – monthly.  The Department of Michigan sends out a magazine – Michigan Marine News three times a year.  The National Magazine – Semper Fi – is sent to you bi-monthly. If you have an email address, it would be appreciated if you receive the Detachment newsletter via email.  This will save the Detachment money in printing and postal cost.  See the Editor of the newsletter if you have any questions.       Note: if you let your dues become delinquent for three months, we will stop sending you a Detachment Newsletter.

