
  • Q:   What day and time of the month does the Detachment meet:                                                 
  • A: The General Membership Meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month at 1930.  If there is a change to this schedule, you will be notified via the Detachment Newsletter, email or phone call.
  • Q: Is there a Uniform of the Day for meetings.                          
  • A: Uniform of the Day is Civilian – Casual.  However, an optional standard basic Uniform is the Marine Corps League Red Cover.  It is available for purchase from our Detachment Quartermaster. 
  • Q: I noticed that members have a name tag, do I receive one:                                                   
  • A: At the next General Membership Meeting after you join, the Adjutant will issue you one.  If you lose it, it will cost you 25¢ as a fine.
  • Q:What is a fine ?                           
  • A: The Sergeant-at-Arms is authorized to levy fines of 25¢ for members reporting late to meetings, wearing unauthorized devices on their Red Covers, using offensive language when the Bible is open, not wearing the Detachment Name Tag and any conduct detrimental to good order.  At some meetings you may be fined at the Commandant’s whim.  All fines are earmarked for the General Fund. 
  • Q: When I attend a meeting, what do I do:                                            
  • A: In the front of the meeting hall, there is an Attendance Sign-in Sheet for you to sign-in.  There will be copies of the Minutes of the Previous Meeting and the Paymaster’s Report for you to take and read if you desire.  There may be other items for your interest, such as fliers for upcoming events sponsored by the Detachment or general interest fliers and articles brought in by members.  There is also a cup for you to put in 25¢ for the Attendance Raffle.
  •  Q: What is the Attendance Raffle:                                                
  • A: When you join, you will receive an attendance number based on when you join.  Don’t worry about this number, it is assigned to you.  After the meeting, one number is drawn and if that member is present and paid the 25¢, he/she receives all the money collected.  If no one wins the raffle of the number drawn, it rolls over to the next meeting.  It will keep rolling over until someone wins.
  • Q: What is the 50/50 ticket sales for:                                                  
  • A: These tickets are sold for income for the Detachment.  This is optional for you to participate in.  One winning number is drawn.  If you plan on leaving the meeting prior to the end, please write your name on the ticket so we may contact you if you win
  • Q: In what format is the meeting conducted:                                  
  • A: The meetings are held in a Ritual Format as suggested by the National Headquarters of the Marine Corps League and also follows Roberts Rules of Order.  The ceremony always begins with the Pledge of Allegiance and an Opening Prayer.

Frequently Asked Questions​